BlueMoon offer modern software solutions for growing your business

Using the latest technology stacks to deliver bespoke software at competitive pricing

Who Are BlueMoon

We are dedicated software developers, passionate about delivering world class software solutions.

Our solutions are state of the art enterprise class software, built using Blazor Web Assembly, or ASP.Net ASP.NETCore, MVC 5 and Entity Frameworks, React, and or, Angular JS, which means, delivering secure, lightening fast responsive solutions for your business.

Our careful approach to the architecture means it can be depolyed fast, scaled securely and will grow with your business. Get in touch today to discuss your requirements.

Core Values

BlueMoon Software We're not really here

Don't create problems

Our ethos is simple, there are no problems, only opportunites to create solutions.

We all own it

We are masters of our own code! So, if it breaks we fix it without blame.

Listen up

We're not Jedi's so we don't know what you're thinking! That's why we listen, intently.


We Love Code


Projects Available


Hours of Support


Working for you


We deliver beautiful functional software crafted to your business

Safe and secure code

Clean architecture

Quick lead times

Full backup service

Built to grow with you

Outstanding Support

We build our solutions using the latest software technology stacks


Available software solutions

CRM Software

BlueMoonCRM is our flagship CRM solution. An integrated, data-driven software solution that improves how you interact and do business with your customers.

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eCommerce Software

BlueMoon eCommerce Webstore. Built from the ground up using MVC and EF Core our ecommerce solution is fast reliable and ready to go.

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Web Software

BlueMoon Web can deliver bespoke websites from scratch, implement common CMS solutions as well as helpdesk software and bespoke blogging from

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AI Chatbot Solution

Meet Perry our Enterprise Class AI Chatbot he's a feature-rich chatbot powered by Machine Learning for advanced NLP and intent recognition.

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AI & Machine Learning

Need to understand your data? Let us take a look and run it through our BlueMoon AI software and Open source machine learning algorithms.

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Software Architecture

Do you have an idea for a software or web solution but don't have the team or skills to complete it? Talk to us, we know a bit about code.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Drop us a line


Unit 4a Arrow Trading Estate,
Manchester, M34 5LR

Call Us

+44 161 274 9679

+44 161 274 9679

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We don't bite

Open Hours

Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 05:00PM

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